But going on how beat up some parts of my body is, particularly my right hip and some lumbar problem (disc or connective tissue) that has flared up a few times in the last couple of months, but more so going for a max single, subsequently I cannot go heavy on squat and deadlift, so will return to 531 for these exercises.
On top of this I am adamant about playing American Football this season (10 games in total), because of this I can easily use 531 on a two a day a week training while in-season and still progress.
Teesside Cougars |
For the next 8-9 weeks leading up to the first game on the 4th of November, I will be weight training 4 times a week, using the traditional layout, with hill sprints on 3 of the training days, for the first 2-3 weeks, then as football season starts, instead of hill sprints I will be training with the squad.
The plan will be:-
1) Off-Season - September 2012 - 1 Month
Regular training, with additional sprints, rope-skipping and explosive warm ups (box jumps etc).
Note on hill sprints, While at home I will be doing these barefoot in an attempt to correct my bunions.
2) Pre-Season - October 2012 - 1 Month
Football Practice, on Tuesday and Thursday and possible game practice on Sunday.
Keep with 4 day training in the gym still, but squat day (Friday might have to be moved to Saturday, due to football practice on Thursday).
And might have to not push for max reps.
And to save on knees might have to switch free squats with box squats (or use knee wraps)
(if its too hard to do I will start the twice a week weight training now)
3) In-Season - November - Mid December 2012 - 6 Weeks
Twice a week weight training, template below.
Twice a week football practice
One Game day a week on Sunday (college football on Sunday, England go figure)
Other days with be rest, most probably active rest (foam rolling, mobility, walking)
In-Season Template: (taken from one of Jim Wendlers articles = 5/3/1 for Athletes)
Day One:
Squat (possibly box squat)
Bench press
Day Two:
Deadlift or Power-clean (my Uni gym doesn't allow any weight off platform more than 100kg...bullshit I know, but can do any weight in the squat racks, so rack deads might be better...would save knees a little)
Press (push press might be a better exercise for football...not sure)
4) Active Recovery - End of December - 2-3 weeks
light training, possibly continue twice a week training
5) Pre-Season - Until end of January - 3-4 weeks
Training as above
6) In-Season - End of Jan-end of Feb 2013 - 6 weeks
As above.
After this I will rest then train for a powerlifting meet a month or so out.
I will try to document my training and give game day results
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