Disclaimer: All advice, and opinions contained in this or any other article on this site are entirely
trite and boorish.....ha, no take everything written with a grain of salt (and I do mean everything
not just my spiel), and I will not, now or ever, be held responsible or accountable for any negative
or indeed positive actions/results/gains/fails/entropy/enthalpy/death/life/flight/resurrection/injury and anything else that could (though probably won't) happen.
Pissed off at the "advice" propagated by the officials, generally runs along the lines eat plenty of carbs multiple times a day.
Several things wrong with this, namely the body is f**ked if you are in a state where you can no longer use insulin correctly, so throwing more insulin spiking objects at the body is really stupid, basically with type II diabetes you've eaten yourself into a pit of resistance, where the receptors no longer respond to the same amount of insulin, therefore a greater amount needs to be released to deal with the same problem, after a while the pancreas will get worn out and start to struggle to produce anoth to cover the influx of calories, and start to fail. This is where type 2 goes from oral tablets to aid glucose transport, to needing insulin to be injected.
I myself was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, around 19-20 Weeks ago, and on the day went to a very strict diet of tins of tuna around 4-6 tins a day for 4 days (was blending them and drinking after the 1st day, couldn't stand the taste) then added a main meal consisting of cheap fatty cut of meat (chicken wings generally) around a 1kg or so. And swapped tuna for whey protein (much cheaper, and alot safer lower chance of ingesting heavy metals). Also I forgo the prescribed medication (the side affects were too extreme).
F**k Tuna Gimmie Whey.... |
Within a week I had managed my diabetes, so much so that my blood sugar results when from over 7 to 5.4 mmol/L. Which is a massive improvement.
I became this way from a on again off again bulk cycle that lasted for over 5 years (mainly on again), Using the GOMAD (gallon of milk a day) diet, which coupled with heavy powerlifting allowed me to go from 90kg to 122.5kg (with some floppy bitch-tits for the bargain) and a squat of 120kg -> 230kg; bench 90kg->152.5kg; Deadlift 200kg ->265kg (all drug free and raw).
Mmmmm.......OT "f***king" T |
Can not recommend the GOMAD diet as I could have probably added all the lean mass I did, but without the fat and health problems, had I just eaten normally (with a little extra protein).
I still have slight gynocmasitic-bitch-tit-i-tis from this milk excess, even at a 12% body fat (makes me look fatter than I am, at least from the front).
I only cut my weight during this period for skiing trips that happened once a year, except this last year. Also what probably instigated this affliction was the massive amount of alcohol I used to drink (even I think it was excessive and I'm Irish-English).
So within this 19-20 weeks I took my bodyweight from 117.7kg to 107.4kg and a body fat percent of around 18-20% to 11%.
In the last week I have gained some weight due to being able to squat heavy again (legs regrowing), I have had gout and a slightly messed up disc in my lumbar, in the past 19 weeks or so, preventing proper training.
My present weight is 109.5kg BF%=12% (not surprising for me as I ate a sh*tload of junk food yesterday) gives me a lean bodyweight of around 95kg.
By the way I check my body fat percent on the incredible website scoobysworkshop.com (click to follow link), and calipers (got mine from Idass, works well, accurate to 0.05mm).
Not This Scooby.... |
And as I have not really been going much lower in body fat for a while, I will alter my diet to accelerate the loss. At the moment I will probably create a plan using the principles of the "Apex Predator Diet" as written by Jamie Lewis' which can be found on his always entertaining and thought provoking, if not sometimes revolting blog = chaosandpain.blogspot.co.uk (warning this site is not suitable for work or kids). He himself is incredibly lean and fantastically strong.
Practices What He Preaches.... |
Source - http://chaosandpain.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/predator-diet-in-glorious-detail-part-1.html
I've kinda lost the plot here, but anyway....
In conclusion...
DO WHATEVER THE F**K YOU WANNA DO (quote - twinmuscleworkout - hodge twins)
But I would look into the positive results regarding reduce carbohydrate diets for the management of diabetes. Here is one such clinical trial that shows some promise towards this form of dieting =
- PDF of 2005 study
Coming soon......
My Diet plan to take my body fat from 12% to ~8% while increasing strength. Also if it is possible to eat well as a student while using the Apex Predator Diet.
Anyway gonna go train...